
So back in 2008 I started another Visual Basic 6 project to do this. The program was rewritten as version 2.0 in October 2017
You can see some examples of the maps created using my program in my Gallery, as well as a more detailed description of the actual program should you be interested.
The Version 2.0 program is available for download as a Windows executable here if you wish to play around with it.
Thank you for looking!
Bill Turnbull
Texas, 2017
Map Projection Related Links:
Map projection page on Wikipedia
Listing of many map projections on Wolframs Mathworld website
Everything you ever wanted to know about map projections at University of Colorado
A Gallery of Map Projections
Henry Bottomley's Java applet for different map projections
Azimuthal Projection Links:
Azimuthal equidistant projection at Wikipedia
Azimuthal equal area projection at Wikipedia
Azimuthal equidistant equations at Wolfram Mathworld
Azimuthal equal area equations at Wolfram Mathworld